Service Award
Jeanine Stroud was one of our club's mentors. She demonstrated exemplary Toastmaster skills and brought high energy into the club.
The Jeanine Stroud Service award goes to the individual who modeled the service of Toastmasters by serving frequently, effectively and enthusiastically in a variety of roles at Central Florida Facilitators' weekly meetings.
We track every role held by every member in the club. This award goes to the member:
- Who performed the most roles such as Toastmaster, Table Topics Master, General Evaluator, and functionary
- Did not include speakers, evaluators, greeters, or thought for the day
- Did not include officers and their weekly roles
- Did not include those who responded to table topics
2018 - 2019
Fall - Gail Hill Smith2017 - 2018
Spring - Susan MorganFall - Susan Morgan2016 - 2017
Spring - Renée TaylorFall - Susan Morgan2015 - 2016
Spring - Susan MorganFall - Mark Loughry2014 - 2015
Spring - Susan MorganFall - Linda Earls2013 - 2014
Spring - Charlie BombalierFall - Jonathan Dunn2012 - 2013
Spring - Susan MorganFall - Lynn Ayres2011 - 2012
Spring - Pat StognerFall - Marilyn Chastain2010 - 2011
Spring - Susan MorganFall - Mike Taylor2009 - 2010
Spring - Gail Hill SmithFall - Jim Rucquoi2008 - 2009
Spring - records missingFall - Susan Morgan, Mike Taylor2007 - 2008
Spring - Amy HaikenFall - records missing2006 - 2007
Spring - Amy HaikenFall - Amy Haiken2005 - 2006
Spring - Amy Haiken, Sara Bull, Jim EllisFall - Amy Haiken2004 - 2005
Spring - Marilyn Chastain