Speech Contests
Every six months the club conducts two speech contests. In the fall we hold the Evaluation Contest and the Humorous Speech Contest; in the spring we hold the Table Topics Contest and the International Speech Contest. The winners move on to compete at the Area Contests. Area Contest winners compete at the Division Contests. Division Contest winners compete at the District Contest. District winners of the International Speech Contest continue on hoping for the title of World Champion of Public Speaking.
Below are the club contest winners of record and links to their speeches where available.
International Speech
2020 - Toni Gitles
2019 - Steven Morgan"Another Brother"
2018 - Jonathan Dunn"It's An Inside Job"
2017 - Steven Morgan"Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grader?"
2016 - Jonathan Dunn"Start With Your Heart"
2015 - Jonathan Dunn"Who Rescued Whom?"
2014 - Charlie Bombalier"Sounds of Silence"
2013 - Steven Morgan"The Color of Success"
2012 - Steven Morgan"You Don't Know Jack"
2011 - Steven Morgan"Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grader?"
2010 - Steven Morgan"Defining Moments"
2008 - Travis Warren"Remembering Vicky Williams"
2007 - Steven Morgan"The Magic Pen"
2005 - James Webb
Table Topics
2020 - Toni Gitles
2019 - Steven Morgan
2017 - Steven Morgan
2016 - Jonathan Dunn
2015 - Julian Coto
2014 - Steven Morgan
2013 - Jonathan Dunn
2012 - Tony Salvagio
2011 - Toni Gitles
2010 - Jessica Guthrie
2008 - Cynthia Peel-Knight
2007 - Travis Warren
2005 - Steven Morgan
Humorous Speech
2019 - Toni Gitles
2018 - Charlie Bombalier"My Vacation From Hell"
2016 - Jonathan Dunn"If A Little Bit Is Good,It Doesn't Mean A Lot Is Better"
2015 - Mark Loughry"The Moby Dick"
2014 - Mark Loughry"Regifting, 40 Years And Counting"
2013 - Jonathan Dunn"In Too Deep"
2012 - Steven Morgan"What If"
2011 - Mike Judy"All In The Name Of Science"
2009 - Mike Taylor"Highlights of Europe"
2008 - Steven Morgan"The Nutless Wonder"
2007 - Steven Morgan"The Pursuit of Happiness"
2006 - Steven Morgan"V.W.I."
2005 - Jim Ellis
2004 - Toni Gitles
2019 - Toni Gitles
2015 - Steven Morgan
2014 - Jonathan Dunn
2013 - Toni Gitles
2012 - Toni Gitles
2011 - Jessica Guthrie
2010 - Steven Morgan
2009 - Gloria Esteban
2008 - Steven Morgan
2007 - Steven Morgan
2006 - Ralph Jean-Paul
2005 - Toni Gitles
2004 - Jessica Schlenk